- Download Ubuntu desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi and IoT devices, Ubuntu Core and all the Ubuntu flavours. Ubuntu is an open-source software platform that runs everywhere from the PC to the server and the cloud.
- Fortunately, there are ways to turn your Ubuntu 11.04 to look like the Mac OS X. This could be done by gekos Mac theme. Download this theme from following link.
beta build of Ubuntu One for OS X has been released by the Ubuntu One team.

The team say that the client will ‘give all users regardless of platform, access to all the great benefits of Ubuntu One.”Its’ release means that all three major desktop OSes are now able to use Ubuntu One.Ubuntu is supported by default, and a Windows client has been available for over a year.Mobile devices aren’t left out either, with file sync apps for for iOS and Android. A third-party client is even available for Nokia N9 users.

To install this icon theme, download macOS.tar or macOS11.tar file and extract it and then copy the extracted “macOS” or “macOS11” folder and paste it inside the.icons folder. Then use the Gnome tweak tool to set the new icon theme. Zafiro Icons were created with the flat design technique in mind. The icons are square.
There are no exclusive new features for Mac users to revel in; no Mountain Lion notifications on successful syncing; no fancy drag ‘n’ drop uploader a la Minus.But as unattractive as that will seem to Mac-exclusive users it’s entirely understandable from a development POV; the more platform-specific features you have the more work you open yourself up to!Features such as file searching and link sharing are present, however:
Download Ubuntu One for OS X

Ubuntu 20.04 Mac Theme
So that’s what it’s like, but how do you get it?Just point your browser in the direction of one.ubuntu.com/downloads/mac and follow the prompts.Alternatively, if you’re super-lazy, you can just hit the button below to grab the .dmg of Ubuntu One for Mac Beta instantly.